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May 1, 2020

The past few months have brought about uncertainty and change due to COVID-19. My top priority is to provide healing and rejuvenation to my clients.  I have been working to raise the bar of hygiene and sanitation to the treatment process in a safe manner that is in accordance with government guidelines.   At this time all appointments have to be scheduled, unfortunately, we cannot take walk in appointments.

Here are some of the ways I have ramped up our efforts to guarantee client and employee safety.

Soft surfaces on tables are covered with vinyl which can be disinfected.

Any pillows used during service times will be fitted with washable vinyl covers.

Face cradles are fitted with cloth to capture droplets from the mouth or nose when the client is face down.

All staff will have their temperatures taken daily. If we exhibit any signs of illness or have been exposed to anyone who has been diagnosed with Covid-19, we will call you and cancel/reschedule your appointment.

Your therapist will be wearing a cloth mask or other similar masks.

All linens are washed in hot water and kept in closed containers, cabinets, or closets.

There will be a liability release form that needs to be signed  before the massage session.

Thank you for your understanding and patience during this challenging time.


March 1, 2020

For a start, let’s know what lymphedema is.

‘Lymphedema’ refers to the aggregation of lymph fluids in a specific region of the body.

For instance, it can occur if there was once a high trauma injury that damaged the lymph nodes. It can also occur in a limb that may have been infected by tumor and has had the nodes removed.

Majorly, it has high tendency of occurring after a traumatic injury, or after a bout with an infection, after a cancer treatment, after surgery or if the nodes of the lymph have been removed.

Unlike the heart does for the circulatory system, this lymphatic vessel system does not possess its own personalized ‘pumping system’. It actually depends on some forces like the pulsation by the arteries, muscle contractions, peristalsis and diaphragmatic breathing.

If the lymphatic system is overwhelmed by factors like surgery, or radiation, or disease, trauma or any abnormal developments, swelling may occur in the abdomen, legs and arms.

Is the Lymphatic system vital?

Yes it is! Unfortunately, many people are ignorant of the fact that this system is actually part of the immune system; and it is its primary responsibility to send forth cells that fight infections to areas that need such aid: E.g. a sharp cut on the forearm.

Lymphedema affects how many people?

Statistics have shown that up to three million Americans in the U.S are affected by lymphedema.

Is there a cure for Lymphedema?

At the moment, there is no definite cure for lymphedema. It can only be managed via a special technique known as MLD, or Manual Lymphatic Drainage. This technique involves the slow, soft and systematic stretching of the client’s skin to stimulate the lymphatic nodes and vessels.

This stretching activity induces the uptake of fluid back into the lymphatic channels and then through the nodes. Via MLD therapies, alternative routes are created by redirecting immobile fluids to the lymphatic vessels and lymphatic nodes.

Other treatment processes for lymphedema may involve special individual exercise, lymphatic drainage, self-care orientation and also compression garments. The affected subject’s diagnosis and response to treatment eventually would determine the kind of treatment to be administered.

Now, let’s consider more about how this MLD came into being.

Manual Lymphatic Drainage, MLD was invented by two people, Dr. Emil and Estrid Vodder in the European continent during the 1930s. MLD is actually a very good and safe way to clean up the body’s tissues, by detoxifying the body and draining the excess fluids.

MLD is also beneficial to normal, healthy individuals. It can also be used to alleviate over 60 known medical conditions including edemas, swellings, pre- and post-surgery, sinusitis, fibromyalgia, burns and headaches, Chronic fatigue, etc.

MLD also helps in the elimination of toxins, proteins, non-self agents, as well as waste products of metabolism from the tissues of the body.

MLD has been proven to be a good stress reliever, as well as a relaxant of the sympathetic nervous system. It has also been shown to promote body-healing processes, especially when one is recovering from a wound/injury, or a surgery. It also functions in minimizing the formation of scars.

Why wasn’t I told about the tendency for Lymphedema before my surgery?

It’s quite unfortunate that there is not much knowledge about the lymphatic system. As a result, not many doctors are aware of the condition called Lymphedema. Thankfully, however, several medical schools have begun creating awareness about the condition; and also, knowledge about it is spreading fast all over the country. Remember we now know every March to be Lymphedema awareness month.

I survived breast cancer: what is my tendency of developing Lymphedema?

At the moment, there is a lifetime risk of 15 to 25 percent, for individuals who have had their axillary lymph nodes dissected.

What should you do if you have the tendency of developing it? Or…maybe you have already confirmed it within your body?

Well, anybody who has had some form of node dissection is at risk; as well as a number of those who have undergone radiation therapy. It should be noted that Lymphedema can be triggered right after an operation, or within a few weeks to months, or even up to twenty years or over. However, it would do well to remember that given the right information and skillful maintenance, Lymphedema can be properly managed, and it can even also be avoided altogether.

Below are a few guidelines that might be useful in pre-operative preparations and processes:

  1. Be careful and observe if there is an increase in the swelling in your abdomen, genitals, toes, feet or ankles.

  2. Always wear on a ‘Lymphedema alert necklace’. Ensure that you keep the affected part from all injections or blood draws.

  3. Preserve the ‘susceptible’ area clean at all times. You could make use of ‘Lymphoderm’ or ‘Eucerin’ after having your bath. Gently dry the affected part thoroughly.

  4. If the affected part is your leg(s), desist from vigorous movements and activities against resistance with the leg(s): and as a rule, do not wear stockings or underwear that have tight elastic bands!

Credits to:

Research at Stanford University (1)

Hildegard Wittlinger, Vodder School, Walchsee, Austria


December 1, 2019

Getting a workout, taking care of our children and families, commuting to work and running errands – while these seem normal, activities in our daily routine tend to keep us busy and our bodies in constant motion. The phrase “life doesn’t stand still” doesn’t, therefore, it comes as a surprise to many of us. Being ready for anything and staying healthy requires that we exercise regularly, eat healthy and get enough rest. More and more consumers in the twenty first century are taking on massages as part of their healthy living routine. 

A report released recently estimated that between July 2013 and July 2014, 32.6 million adults got at least one massage in America. And given the various benefits of massages, it comes as no surprise that 90% of the respondents in a survey conducted by AMTA view massage as being beneficial to general health. If you still have your doubts, the following should convince you.

It benefits individuals of all ages: In 2013, the total number of people who were 65 years and older was estimated to be 44.7 million. A large number of them are enjoying immense health benefits by incorporating massage into their health routine. 

It helps improve muscle recovery: At one point or another, everyone wants to get back to the fitness swing of things. Unfortunately, this process can cause injuries in some parts of the body that you use often or slow muscle recovery. The good news is that regular massages can help rejuvenate such muscle groups. A study conducted in 2010 and published in Strength and Conditioning Research cited that a massage conducted for half-a-minute can improve hip-flexor motion range. It also found that massage can help reduce post-workout recovery, thus enabling you to get back to your regular workout regime.

It helps with pain relief: Those whose jobs involve desk duty for an entire day suffer a lot from stiff necks and backs due to poor posture. With time, fatigued muscle groups, joint damage, spinal misalignment and extra body stress will develop if the situation isn’t handled well. Thankfully, massage can help to relieve that daily muscle pain.
Given all these benefits, it comes as no surprise that many people are now making massage therapy as part of their healthy living routine. When reexamining wellness choices, we should tire of the stereotype of massages being an occasional luxury and make it an integral part of health maintenance. 


September 2019

It was difficult to get a decent mobile massage company out here.  That is why we have taken this chance to bring ourselves to you with this brief, yet informative introduction of Balanced Harmony, LLC that does business as Balanced Harmony Massage.

Our mission is to enhance the mind, body and spirit of the population through awareness and education on massage. We offer a holistic and wellness through a variety of massage modalities.

Balanced Harmony Massage started in 2009 as a mobile massage company.  As one can figure out, a start up business with brick and mortar can be a little daunting especially at the start of the economic down turn.  I decided I could put my table in the car and go the client.  Balanced Harmony focuses on therapeutic massage in Tidewater, Virginia which covers the Chesapeake, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk, and Virginia Beach area.  Occasionally, we will travel to the Peninsula side.

Today, a few years down the line, we have an office where our clients can pay us a visit.  We still offer the occasional mobile massage for our esteemed and loyal clients who are not mobile.  We also do chair events for our corporations, friends and family gatherings.

If you are looking for the ultimate relaxation and a healthier you, you have come to right place! The highly skilled and specialized massage therapists at Balanced Harmony Massage are committed to your comfort and satisfaction.

The effects of a good massage are felt immediately.  Aside from relaxation, massage has been found to improve circulation, joint range of motion and flexibility.  It can reduce many common ailments such as stress, muscle tightness, aches and pains - even anxiety and depression.

We are trained in therapeutic massage which is Swedish, deep tissue, myofascial release, neuromuscular, reflexology and trigger points.  Some of our therapists are also highly trained in specialty massages in addition to therapeutic which include; sports, medical, oncology, Orthobionomy and Vodder Manual Lymphatic Drainage.  The specialties must be requested at the time of the appointment.

What are the benefits and applications of a specialty massage is a question that we get regularly. The answer of which are:

  •  Medcal Massage - for recent or chronic injuries

  •  Oncology Massage - for clients with active cancer or those who have just finished all              treatments.

  • Ortho-bionomy - for all sessions.  Great for fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue.

  • Manual Lymphatic Drainage - for pre- and post surgeries, detox, allergies, sinusitis and  edema.

We have a client-specific approach to our massage sessions and hope we will be hearing from you soon.


408 Investors Place Ste 101, Virginia Beach, VA 23452 Inside Luke Acupuncture

Hours of Business  

Monday - Friday 10 AM to 5 PM

Saturday 11AM to 4PM.

We are closed on New Years Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas Day

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